Samsung Galaxy S23 comes with Snapdragon

Samsung Galaxy S23 launch is still months away. A new report says that the upcoming

Samsung phone Galaxy S23 possible processor is Snapdragon. Galaxy S23 skip the Exynos

process and entirely switch to the Snapdragon chipset. Famous analyst Ming-Ching Kuo says

that the Samsung brand skips the Exynos process completely for the upcoming Samsung

phone Galaxy S23. Samsung brand will use both Exynos and Qualcomm Snapdragon

processors for its S Series. The Qualcomm Snapdragon-based smartphones of Samsung

will launch in China and United States. The Galaxy S22 series was released in India

and brought home the Qualcomm snapdragon process for the 1st time.

Kuo Tested the performance of both processors Exynos and Snapdragon.

Even Qualcomm's 4nm processor is better than Samsung's Exynos 4nm processor.